Female Infanticide Prevention Awareness

Female feticide is the act of aborting a fetus because it is female. The frequency of female feticide is indirectly estimated from the observed high birth sex ratio that is the ratio of boys to girls at birth. The natural ratio is assumed to be between 103 to 107, and any number above it is considered as suggestive of female feticide. According to the decennial Indian census, the sex ratio in the 0 to 6 age group in India has risen from 102.4 males per 100 females in 1961, to 104.1 in 1981, to 107.8 in 2001, to 108.8 in 2011.

India is one of the several countries where higher human sex ratio is observed. This is assumed to be caused by female feticide, an assumption that is the subject of considerable scholarly debate and continuing scientific studies. Human sex ratio is the relative number of males to females in a given age group. Human sex ratio at birth that is significantly different from 106 is often assumed to be correlated to the prevalence and scale of sex-selective abortion. A birth sex ratio impacts a society’s overall sex ratio over time, as well the child sex ratio in near term. In India, child sex ratio is defined as the ratio of boys to girls in 0-6 year age group. India’s child sex ratio was 108 according to its 2001 census, and 109 according to its 2011 census.

Female feticide is one extreme manifestation of violence against women. Female fetuses are selectively aborted after pre natal sex determination, thus avoiding the birth of girls. In India where female infanticide has existed for centuries, now female feticide has joined the fray and is increasing each day. The reasons for this evil are the introduction and proliferation of pre natal diagnostic test / sex determination clinics and cheaper ultrasound machines that help determine the sex of a child before it is born.

One must also not forget the lack of ethics in pockets of the medical profession that result in furthering female feticide. Even rural families in the state have begun to commit female feticide to satisfy their preference for sons. Parents tend to be calculative in choosing the sex of the next child and the decision is based on the birth order, sex sequence of previous children and number of sons. Transfer of reproductive technology to India is resulting in reinforcement of patriarchal values as professional medical organizations seem to be indifferent to ethical misconduct.